Science of Sound 1 : The Next Level - w3ibrahim



Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Science of Sound 1 : The Next Level

Padma Aon Prakasha is a wisdom author, vibrational media creator, visionary pioneer and public speaker bringing together ancient wisdom and modern science. Padma’s books, music and multimedia are drawn from the traditions he has been initiated into.

They include: The Power of Shakti, Womb Wisdom, Sacred Relationships (Inner Traditions), The Christ Blueprint, The Nine Eyes of Light: Ascension Keys from Egypt (NAB/Random House), Dimensions of Love (O Books). Since 1997 he has presented, lectured and taught in 20 countries worldwide.
Padma Aon Prakasha is a wisdom author, vibrational media creator, visionary pioneer and public speaker bringing together ancient wisdom and modern science. Padma’s books, music and multimedia are drawn from the traditions he has been initiated into.
They include: The Power of Shakti, Womb Wisdom, Sacred Relationships (Inner Traditions), The Christ Blueprint, The Nine Eyes of Light: Ascension Keys from Egypt (NAB/Random House), Dimensions of Love (O Books). Since 1997 he has presented, lectured and taught in 20 countries worldwide.
Padma is a master of vibrational medicine through sound, translating the art and science of vibration to create moving and alchemical immersions. A globally distributed music producer, Padma performs worldwide.
Please Subscribe to enjoy his content for free on YouTube, and enjoy diving deep with Padma.
quencies of hydrogen and oxygen, the water molecule of life, with the vibrational frequencies of deep violet, light violet and the Sun with 432Hz, the natural tone of geometric harmony and organic wellbeing. 40 different tones are spherically mixed on this Song to provide a vibrational frequency healing.
This song invites you to drop into your centre of gravity in the womb/hara, the primordial source presence within your body. If you relax and breathe here, you will feel layers softening and opening, revealing more of this depth presence within you through this  healing meditation   [music and healing] frequencies.

This song touches the deep subconscious awareness of the water element. It can stir dormant memories held in the womb space, stirring them to be felt and released, allowing more openness and fluidity within you.
This Song is from The Souls Birth Album ( see other video) and is available on  This DNA video is made with Lynn Claire Dennis ofwith her 'Universal Sound Frequency'' embedded within it.

Science of Sound 2: The Ultimate Guide to Sound Healing, Vibrational Frequency, Energy Medicine 

Everything is vibration. The world is sound. You are made of sounds in a vibrational universe. What are these sounds? How can we tap into them? Why is this not known? Is there a system behind vibrational frequency, vibrational sound therapy, sound healing vibrational healing and [Energy Medicine? YES!
In this Sound Healing Documentary series based on the awakened wisdom of the Indian Masters and the Kabbalah, we discover the Second Mode of Sound. This works through sound healing vibrational healing, healing music, healing meditations, healing frequencies, energy medicine, sacred geometry, the water in our bodies, energy meditation such as Reiki, advanced listening techniques, mantra, kirtan, symbols and shapes. All of these are sound vibrations, just in a different form to what we are used to, yet known to our ancestors. 
This mode of sound is the bridge from the 3D to the higher dimensions, and a key to our multidimensional self. Virtual Reality, VR, vibratory art, holographic technologies and new forms of conscious entertainment all work with this form of sound vibration, which empowers us to become our fully creative self! 
Sound is creation, and the world is sound. 
Included are secret tips to working with sound, and a list of top sound healing techniques! 

Science of Sound 3: The Ultimate Guide to vibration sound, vibrational frequency, sound healing

Everything is sound vibration. The world is sound. You are made of sounds in a vibrational universe. How can we tap into them? Why is this not known? Is there a system behind vibration sound, vibrational frequency, sound healing vibrational healing, vibrational sound therapy, and Energy Medicine? YES!
In this Sound Healing Documentary series based on the awakened wisdom of the Indian Masters and the Kabbalah, we discover the Third Mode of Sound: The Power of Now, total Presence, and the frequency direct gnosis, the universal 'download' of wisdom from Source. In this mode of sound vibration, sound becomes light within us, transforming and opening us through this very high frequency of unity consciousness.
Known as 'pasyanti' in Sanskrit, this mode of sound is a laser beam of focused consciousness that sees all and knows all. This is the gateway to our multidimensional self and our multi dimensional abilities such as telepathy, instant Knowing, clairaudience, clairvoyance and many other gifts that lie within us. The Third mode of sound vibration also holds the gifts of time navigation and true holographic communication. 
In the Third mode of sound, we enter bliss, rapture and ecstasy. We are transported from this world into Reality, into Living light, an infinitely intelligent light, the organising Presence behind the structures and sentience of the universe that interconnects us all. This is quantum resonance, the same resonance found in each of us, the true Namaste. 
We can access the third mode of sound vibration through the group mind consciousness, a group of people coming together at sacred sites to commune as a unified consciousness with Gaia. We can also access it through deep stillness, mantra and meditation.
Included are secret tips to working with sound, and a list of top sound healing techniques!

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